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QUICK DAM Water Activated Flood Barrier 10 ft | Flood Bag | Flood Control

RM 121.00
QUICK DAM Water Activated Flood Barrier 10 ft | Flood Bag | Flood Control Ratings: 0 - 0 votes
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Quick Dam™ Water Activated Flood Barrier / Flood Bags
A) QD610-1 = 10ft Floor Barrier x 1pc / pack
B) QD1224-6 = 12in x 24in Flood Bags x 6pcs / pack

⭐ Water Activated Flood Barriers, Rated #1 in Flood Control.
⭐ Absorbs, contains, and diverts problem flood water
⭐ Grows to 3.5 inches high in minutes in wet conditions
⭐ When wet - inner absorbent turns to gel and creates a barrier that blocks and diverts additional water
⭐ QD610-1 = 10ft length - flexible design creates all sorts of shapes.
⭐ QD1224-6 = 12in x 24in
⭐ Ready to use, no sand or labor needed.
⭐ Can be stacked like a pyramid as needed
⭐ Compact & Lightweight, stores away until needed.
⭐ Use to protect doorways, garages, leaking hot water tanks, erosion control & more.
⭐ Dual chamber design prevents unit from rolling out of place.
⭐ Use indoors or outdoor.
⭐ DO NOT use with salt water, chemical reaction causes deflation.

#safetyware #quickdam #floodcontrol #floodbag


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